Sunday, April 4, 2021

Load balance a website.

This post will show the basic setup for load balancing a website.

This is is the environment. Basic Round Robin load balance to 2 web servers listening on TCP 8000.

Here is where we stand before configuration as we start on the raw Netscaler.

> sh interface summary
      Interface  MTU        MAC                  Suffix                         
1     0/1        1500       00:0c:29:ed:7b:b5    NetScaler Virtual Interface    
2     1/1        1500       00:0c:29:ed:7b:bf    NetScaler Virtual Interface    
3     1/2        1500       00:0c:29:ed:7b:c9    NetScaler Virtual Interface    
4     LO/1       1500       00:0c:29:ed:7b:b5    Netscaler Loopback interface   
> sh vlan

1)      VLAN ID: 1
        Link-local IPv6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feed:7bb5/64
        Interfaces : 0/1 1/1 1/2 LO/1
> sh ip
        Ipaddress        Traffic Domain  Type             Mode     Arp      Icmp     Vserver  State
        ---------        --------------  ----             ----     ---      ----     -------  ------
1)    0               NetScaler IP     Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
> sh ns feature

        Feature                        Acronym              Status
        -------                        -------              ------
 1)     Web Logging                    WL                   ON
 2)     Surge Protection               SP                   OFF
 3)     Load Balancing                 LB                   ON
 4)     Content Switching              CS                   ON

> sh ns mode | grep ON
 1)     Fast Ramp                      FR                   ON
 7)     Edge configuration             Edge                 ON
 8)     Use Subnet IP                  USNIP                ON
 9)     Layer 3 mode (ip forwarding)   L3                   ON
 10)    Path MTU Discovery             PMTUD                ON

1) Add VLANs and SNIPs

Multiple VLANs/subnets as we have above, require VLAN configuration on the VPX
On the VPX, each subnet should have a Subnet IP address (SNIP) created for that subnet.
Only associate each VLAN with one interface.

> add ns ip -type SNIP
> add ns ip -type SNIP

Note how the SNIPs appear in the actual config.

> sh run | grep "ns ip" | grep -v VIP | grep -v ip6
add ns ip -vServer DISABLED
add ns ip -vServer DISABLED

> add vlan 20
> add vlan 30


2) Bind VLANs to Interfaces and IPs

> bind vlan 20 -ifnum 1/1
> bind vlan 20 -ipaddress
> bind vlan 30 -ifnum 1/2
> bind vlan 30 -ipaddress

> sh vlan

1)      VLAN ID: 1
        Link-local IPv6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feed:7bb5/64
        Interfaces : 0/1 LO/1

2)      VLAN ID: 20     VLAN Alias Name:
        Interfaces : 1/1
        IPs :

3)      VLAN ID: 30     VLAN Alias Name:
        Interfaces : 1/2
        IPs :


3) Add real web servers and the VIP that will be used to access them.

> add server web1
> add server web2
> add ns ip -type VIP
> sh ns ip
        Ipaddress        Traffic Domain  Type             Mode     Arp      Icmp     Vserver  State
        ---------        --------------  ----             ----     ---      ----     -------  ------
1)    0               NetScaler IP     Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
2)    0               SNIP             Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
3)    0               SNIP             Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
4)   0               VIP              Active   Enabled  Enabled  Enabled  Enabled


4) Create a service group, vserver and monitor.

Note the vserver will add the VIP with port 80 meaning we will talk on port 80 to the VIP whilst the actual physical servers, web1 and web2 will be listening on port 8000.

> add servicegroup SG_web HTTP
> add lb vserver VS_web HTTP 80 -lbmethod ROUNDROBIN
> add lb monitor MON_web TCP -destport 8000


5) Glue it all together! 

Bind the vserver (Which has the VIP), the monitor and the real servers all to the service group.

> bind lb vserver VS_web SG_web
> bind servicegroup SG_web web1 8000
> bind servicegroup SG_web web2 8000
> bind servicegroup SG_web -monitorName MON_web


6) Status checks now that everything is configured.

Servicegroup status - we have the monitors and servers up.

> sh servicegroup SG_web
        SG_web - HTTP
        State: ENABLED  Effective State: UP     Monitor Threshold : 0
        Max Conn: 0     Max Req: 0      Max Bandwidth: 0 kbits
        Use Source IP: NO
        Client Keepalive(CKA): NO
        TCP Buffering(TCPB): NO
        HTTP Compression(CMP): NO
        Idle timeout: Client: 180 sec   Server: 360 sec
        Client IP: DISABLED
        Cacheable: NO
        SC: OFF
        SP: OFF
        Down state flush: ENABLED
        Monitor Connection Close : NONE
        Appflow logging: ENABLED
        ContentInspection profile name: ???
        Process Local: DISABLED
        Traffic Domain: 0

        1) Monitor Name: MON_web        State: ENABLED  Weight: 1       Passive: 0

        1) State: UP       Server Name: web1       Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Last state change was at Mon Apr  5 05:06:15 2021
                Time since last state change: 0 days, 00:00:36.670

                Monitor Name: MON_web   State: UP       Passive: 0
                Probes: 8       Failed [Total: 0 Current: 0]
                Last response: Success - TCP syn+ack received.
                Response Time: 0 millisec

        2) State: UP       Server Name: web2       Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Last state change was at Mon Apr  5 05:06:15 2021
                Time since last state change: 0 days, 00:00:36.660

                Monitor Name: MON_web   State: UP       Passive: 0
                Probes: 8       Failed [Total: 0 Current: 0]
                Last response: Success - TCP syn+ack received.
                Response Time: 0 millisec

Vserver status

> sh vserver VS_web
        VS_web ( - HTTP       Type: ADDRESS
        State: UP
        Last state change was at Mon Apr  5 05:06:21 2021
        Time since last state change: 0 days, 00:04:26.100
        Effective State: UP
        Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec
        Down state flush: ENABLED
        Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED
        Appflow logging: ENABLED
        Port Rewrite : DISABLED
        No. of Bound Services :  2 (Total)       2 (Active)
        Configured Method: ROUNDROBIN   BackupMethod: NONE
        Mode: IP
        Persistence: NONE
        Vserver IP and Port insertion: OFF
        Push: DISABLED  Push VServer:
        Push Multi Clients: NO
        Push Label Rule: none
        L2Conn: OFF
        Skip Persistency: None
        Listen Policy: NONE
        IcmpResponse: PASSIVE
        RHIstate: PASSIVE
        New Service Startup Request Rate: 0 PER_SECOND, Increment Interval: 0
        Mac mode Retain Vlan: DISABLED
        Process Local: DISABLED
        Traffic Domain: 0
        TROFS Persistence honored: ENABLED
        Retain Connections on Cluster: NO

Bound Service Groups:
1)      Group Name: SG_web

                1) SG_web ( 8000) - HTTP State: UP       Weight: 1
                2) SG_web ( 8000) - HTTP State: UP       Weight: 1

Warning: Feature(s) not licensed [SSLVPN]
Warning: Feature(s) not licensed [AAA]
Warning: Feature(s) not enabled [CR]
Warning: Feature(s) not licensed [GSLB]


7) Stat checks

Generate some traffic to the vserver

> stat lb vserver

Virtual Server(s) Summary
                      vsvrIP  port     Protocol        State    Req/s
VS_web    80         HTTP           UP     10/s


Below we can see on the servicegroup stats equal traffic to each web srv as we have vserver load balance method set to ROUNDROBIN.

> stat servicegroup SG_web

Service group Summary
                    Type    State
SG_web              HTTP  ENABLED

Bound Service Group Member(s) Summary
                          IP  port         Type        State    Req/s    Rsp/s
SG_w...?8000  8000         HTTP           UP      6/s      6/s
SG_w...?8000  8000         HTTP           UP      6/s      6/s

              Reqb/s   Rspb/s ClntConn  SvrConn  MaxConn   SurgeQ   ReuseP
SG_w...?8000  2332/s  12324/s        0        9        0        0        1
SG_w...?8000  2332/s  12324/s        0        9        0        0        1

SG_w...?8000       1
SG_w...?8000       1

Total requests to the vserver

> stat lb vserver VS_web | grep Requests
Requests                                           0                  725
Requests in surge queue                           --                    0
Requests in vserver's surgeQ                      --                    0
Requests in service's surgeQs                     --                    0

All vserver stats

> stat lb vserver VS_web

Virtual Server Summary
                      vsvrIP  port     Protocol        State   Health  actSvcs
VS_web    80         HTTP           UP      100        2

VS_web             0

Virtual Server Statistics
                                          Rate (/s)                Total
Vserver hits                                       0                  725
Requests                                           0                  725
Responses                                          0                  725
Request bytes                                      0               280740
Response bytes                                     0              1491504
Total Packets rcvd                                 0                 3962
Total Packets sent                                 0                 2699
Current client connections                        --                    0
Current Client Est connections                    --                    0
Current server connections                        --                    0
Current Persistence Sessions                      --                    0
Current Backup Persistence Sessi                  --                    0
Requests in surge queue                           --                    0
Requests in vserver's surgeQ                      --                    0
Requests in service's surgeQs                     --                    0
Spill Over Threshold                              --                    0
Spill Over Hits                                   --                    0
Labeled Connection                                --                    0
Push Labeled Connection                           --                    0
Deferred Request                                   0                    0
Invalid Request/Response                          --                    0
Invalid Request/Response Dropped                  --                    0
Vserver Down Backup Hits                          --                    0
Current Multipath TCP sessions                    --                    0
Current Multipath TCP subflows                    --                    0
Apdex for client response times.                  --                 1.00
Average client TTLB                               --                    0

Bound Service Group Member(s) Summary
                          IP  port         Type        State    Req/s    Rsp/s
SG_w...?8000  8000         HTTP           UP      0/s      0/s
SG_w...?8000  8000         HTTP           UP      0/s      0/s

              Reqb/s   Rspb/s ClntConn  SvrConn  MaxConn   SurgeQ   ReuseP
SG_w...?8000     0/s      0/s        0        9        0        0        0
SG_w...?8000     0/s      0/s        0        9        0        0        0

SG_w...?8000       0
SG_w...?8000       0

Some HTTP stats.

> stat http

HTTP Statistics - Summary
                                          Rate (/s)                Total
Total requests                                     3                  457
Total responses                                    3                  457
Request bytes received                          1113               179702
Response bytes received                         5738               925046


Display current TCP connections.

From the SNIP to the real servers (SRCIP being the SNIP on VLAN 30).

> show ns connectiontable CONNECTION.SRCIP.EQ( | grep HTTP   7003  8000    HTTP         2       ESTABLISHED  0               S   26736  8000    HTTP         2       ESTABLISHED  0               S   7374  8000    HTTP         45      TIME_WAIT    0               S      

From the client to the VIP (SRCIP being the client).

> show ns connectiontable CONNECTION.SRCIP.EQ( | grep HTTP    63992  80      HTTP         3       TIME_WAIT    0               C    63952  80      HTTP         45      TIME_WAIT    0               C    63950  80      HTTP         45      TIME_WAIT    0               C    64006  80      HTTP         1       ESTABLISHED  0               C    63995  80      HTTP         2       TIME_WAIT    0               C      


8) All config commands used.

add ns ip -type SNIP
add ns ip -type SNIP
add vlan 20
add vlan 30
bind vlan 20 -ifnum 1/1
bind vlan 20 -ipaddress
bind vlan 30 -ifnum 1/2
bind vlan 30 -ipaddress
add server web1
add server web2
add ns ip -type VIP
add servicegroup SG_web HTTP
add lb vserver VS_web HTTP 80 -lbmethod ROUNDROBIN
add lb monitor MON_web TCP -destport 8000
bind lb vserver VS_web SG_web
bind servicegroup SG_web web1 8000
bind servicegroup SG_web web2 8000
bind servicegroup SG_web -monitorName MON_web 


> sh ver
        NetScaler NS12.1: Build, Date: Mar  8 2021, 09:45:59   (64-bit)