Sunday, April 18, 2021

Basic Content Switching

This post will show a basic Content Switching (CS) setup.

We will have 2 clients: and 

They will both access the same CS VIP

Client .50 will be redirected to an internal VIP which will load balance 4 servers that as a group we will call pool1 and client .60 will be redirected to a different internal VIP that will load balance 4 servers we will call group 2.

So in this lab the CS is therefore happening based on the source IP of the client.


1) First lets check that CS is enabled.

> sh ns feature

        Feature                        Acronym              Status
        -------                        -------              ------
 1)     Web Logging                    WL                   ON
 2)     Surge Protection               SP                   OFF
 3)     Load Balancing                 LB                   ON
 4)     Content Switching              CS                   ON


2) Lets add IP, VLANs and Bind them together.

> add ns ip -type SNIP
> add ns ip -type SNIP
> add vlan 20
> add vlan 100
> bind vlan 20 -ifnum 1/1
> bind vlan 20 -ipaddress
> bind vlan 100 -ifnum 1/2
> bind vlan 100 -ipaddress
> sh ns ip
        Ipaddress        Traffic Domain  Type             Mode     Arp      Icmp     Vserver  State
        ---------        --------------  ----             ----     ---      ----     -------  ------
1)    0               NetScaler IP     Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
2)    0               SNIP             Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
3)    0               SNIP             Active   Enabled  Enabled  NA       Enabled
> sh vlan

1)      VLAN ID: 1
        Link-local IPv6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feed:7bb5/64
        Interfaces : 0/1 LO/1

2)      VLAN ID: 20     VLAN Alias Name:
        Interfaces : 1/1
        IPs :

3)      VLAN ID: 100    VLAN Alias Name:
        Interfaces : 1/2
        IPs :

3) Add the real web servers.

We will have 2 separate pools of servers and 1 default server to be shared between the 2 pools.

> add server pool1_srv1
> add server pool1_srv2
> add server pool1_srv3
> add server pool1_srv4
> add server pool1_default
> add server pool2_srv1
> add server pool2_srv2
> add server pool2_srv3
> add server pool2_srv4
> add server pool2_default

> sh server
1)      Name:        pool1_srv1      State:ENABLED
2)      Name:        pool1_srv2      State:ENABLED
3)      Name:        pool1_srv3      State:ENABLED
4)      Name:        pool1_srv4      State:ENABLED
5)      Name:        pool2_srv1      State:ENABLED
6)      Name:        pool2_srv2      State:ENABLED
7)      Name:        pool2_srv3      State:ENABLED
8)      Name:        pool2_srv4      State:ENABLED
9)      Name:   pool1-2_default      State:ENABLED

4) Create the 1st service group, vserver and monitor.

We don't need an IP on the vserver when it is working behind a content switching virtual server.

> add servicegroup SG_pool1 HTTP
> add lb vserver VS_pool1 HTTP -lbmethod ROUNDROBIN
> add lb monitor MON_pool1 HTTP


5) Glue all virtual server elements together.

Bind the vserver, the monitor and the real servers all to the service group.

> bind lb vserver VS_pool1 SG_pool1
> bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv1 80
> bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv2 80
> bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv3 80
> bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv4 80
> bind servicegroup SG_pool1 -monitorName MON_pool1

6) Create the 2nd service group/vserver/monitor and bind everything to the 2nd service group.

add servicegroup SG_pool2 HTTP
add lb vserver VS_pool2 HTTP -lbmethod ROUNDROBIN
add lb monitor MON_pool2 HTTP
bind lb vserver VS_pool2 SG_pool2
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv1 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv2 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv3 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv4 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 -monitorName MON_pool2

Status checks on the 2 service groups.
Servicegroup status - we have the monitors and servers up.

> sh servicegroup -summary
      Name       State      TCP Buff   HTTP Cmp   Max Bandwidth   SC    SP    ProtType   
1     SG_pool1   ENABLED    NO         NO         0               OFF   OFF   HTTP       
2     SG_pool2   ENABLED    NO         NO         0               OFF   OFF   HTTP       

> sh servicegroup SG_pool1 | grep -E UP|ENABLED
        State: ENABLED  Effective State: UP     Monitor Threshold : 0
        Down state flush: ENABLED
        Appflow logging: ENABLED
        1) Monitor Name: MON_pool1      State: ENABLED  Weight: 1       Passive: 0
        1)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv1 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0
        2)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv2 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0
        3)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv3 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0
        4)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv4 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0
> sh servicegroup SG_pool1 | grep 'UP\|ENABLED'
        State: ENABLED  Effective State: UP     Monitor Threshold : 0
        Down state flush: ENABLED
        Appflow logging: ENABLED
        1) Monitor Name: MON_pool1      State: ENABLED  Weight: 1       Passive: 0
        1)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv1 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0
        2)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv2 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0
        3)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv3 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0
        4)   State: UP       Server Name: pool1_srv4 Server ID: None Weight: 1
                Monitor Name: MON_pool1         State: UP       Passive: 0

7) Add a content switch virtual server.

> add cs vserver CS_web HTTP 80             
> sh cs vserver
1)      CS_web ( - HTTP       Type: CONTENT
        State: UP
        Last state change was at Sun Apr 18 02:45:10 2021
        Time since last state change: 0 days, 00:00:06.810
        Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec
        Down state flush: ENABLED
        Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED
        Appflow logging: ENABLED
        Port Rewrite : DISABLED
        State Update: DISABLED
        Default:        Content Precedence: RULE
        Vserver IP and Port insertion: OFF
        L2Conn: OFF     Case Sensitivity: ON
        Authentication: OFF
        401 Based Authentication: OFF
        Push: DISABLED  Push VServer:
        Push Label Rule: none
        Listen Policy: NONE
        IcmpResponse: PASSIVE
        RHIstate:  PASSIVE
        Traffic Domain: 0

8) Add CS actions to redirect to virtual servers.

Action CSACT1_pool1 redirects traffic to the internal virtual server VS_pool1.
Action CSACT1_pool2 redirects traffic to the internal virtual server VS_pool2.

> add cs action CSACT1_pool1 -targetLBVserver VS_pool1
> add cs action CSACT1_pool2 -targetLBVserver VS_pool2


9) Add CS policies.

We will direct traffic to pool1 via the action CSACT1_pool1 if the client source ip is
We will direct traffic to pool2 via the action CSACT1_pool2 if the client source ip is

> add cs policy CSPOL_pool1 -rule CLIENT.IP.SRC.EQ( -action CSACT1_pool1   
> add cs policy CSPOL_pool2 -rule CLIENT.IP.SRC.EQ( -action CSACT1_pool2

10) Bind the 2 policies to the content switch.

> bind cs vserver CS_web -policyName CSPOL_pool1 -priority 10
> bind cs vserver CS_web -policyName CSPOL_pool2 -priority 20

Show commands before we generate any traffic

> sh cs vserver CS_web
        CS_web ( - HTTP       Type: CONTENT
        State: UP
        Last state change was at Sun Apr 18 02:47:54 2021
        Time since last state change: 0 days, 01:34:06.20
        Client Idle Timeout: 180 sec
        Down state flush: ENABLED
        Disable Primary Vserver On Down : DISABLED
        Appflow logging: ENABLED
        Port Rewrite : DISABLED
        State Update: DISABLED
        Default:        Content Precedence: RULE
        Vserver IP and Port insertion: OFF
        L2Conn: OFF     Case Sensitivity: ON
        Authentication: OFF
        401 Based Authentication: OFF
        Push: DISABLED  Push VServer:
        Push Label Rule: none
        Listen Policy: NONE
        IcmpResponse: PASSIVE
        RHIstate:  PASSIVE
        Traffic Domain: 0

1)      Content-Switching Policy: CSPOL_pool1   Priority: 10    Hits: 0
2)      Content-Switching Policy: CSPOL_pool2   Priority: 20    Hits: 0
> sh cs action
1)      Name: CSACT1_pool1
        Target LB Vserver: VS_pool1
        Hits: 0
        Undef Hits: 0
        Action Reference Count: 1

2)      Name: CSACT1_pool2
        Target LB Vserver: VS_pool2
        Hits: 0
        Undef Hits: 0
        Action Reference Count: 1

> sh cs policy
        Policy: CSPOL_pool1     Rule: CLIENT.IP.SRC.EQ(   Action: CSACT1_pool1

        Hits: 0
        Policy: CSPOL_pool2     Rule: CLIENT.IP.SRC.EQ(   Action: CSACT1_pool2

        Hits: 0

11) Configure a default policy for the content switch.

This will take effect if we get no policy matches. I.e if the source IP is not 192168.20.50/.60.
We will re-use the existing monitor from pool2.

Currently we have no default.

> sh cs vserver CS_web | grep Default
        Default:        Content Precedence: RULE

Add all config required for the default content switch policy to work.

add server pool1-2_default
add servicegroup SG_pool1-2_default HTTP
add lb vserver VS_pool1-2_default HTTP
bind lb vserver  VS_pool1-2_default SG_pool1-2_default
bind servicegroup SG_pool1-2_default pool1-2_default 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool1-2_default -monitorName MON_pool2
bind cs vserver CS_web -lbvserver VS_pool1-2_default

After we enter all that in lets check for the default action.

> sh cs vserver CS_web | grep Default
        Default: VS_pool1-2_default     Content Precedence: RULE
1)      Default Target LB: VS_pool1-2_default   Hits: 0


12) Test access.

We access the CS IP from an IP that is not in either policy and also from 192168.20.50/.60. We can see the 2 polices plus the default get hits.

> sh cs vserver CS_web | grep Hits
1)      Content-Switching Policy: CSPOL_pool1   Priority: 10    Hits: 211
2)      Content-Switching Policy: CSPOL_pool2   Priority: 20    Hits: 255
1)      Default Target LB: VS_pool1-2_default   Hits: 197

13) Check CS VS stats.

> stat cs vserver CS_web

Vserver Summary
                          IP  port     Protocol        State
CS_web    80         HTTP           UP

VServer Stats:
                                          Rate (/s)                Total
Vserver hits                                      22                 1331
Requests                                          22                 1331
Responses                                         22                 1331
Request bytes                                   8978               544041
Response bytes                                702806             27097449
Total Packets rcvd                               282                13020
Total Packets sent                               566                23729
Current client connections                        --                  129
Current Client Est connections                    --                    0
Current server connections                        --                    0
Spill Over Threshold                              --                    0
Spill Over Hits                                   --                    0
Labeled Connection                                --                    0
Push Labeled Connection                           --                    0
Deferred Request                                   0                    0
Invalid Request/Response                          --                    0
Invalid Request/Response Dropped                  --                    0
Vserver Down Backup Hits                          --                    0
Current Multipath TCP sessions                    --                    0
Current Multipath TCP subflows                    --                    0
Apdex for client response times.                  --                 1.00
Average client TTLB                               --                    7

> sh cs policy -summary
      Name       URL             Expression           Domain               Action               Hits  
1     CSP...ool1                 CLIENT.I...68.20.50)                      CSACT1_pool1         475   
2     CSP...ool2                 CLIENT.I...68.20.60)                      CSACT1_pool2         310   

> sh cs action -summary
      Name       TargetLBVserver TargetVserver TargetLBVserverExpression Comment    Hits       UndefHits  ReferenceCount
1     CSA...ool1 VS_pool1                                    475        0          1          
2     CSA...ool2 VS_pool2                                    310        0          1          


14) All config commands used.

add ns ip -type SNIP
add ns ip -type SNIP
add vlan 20
add vlan 100
bind vlan 20 -ifnum 1/1
bind vlan 20 -ipaddress
bind vlan 100 -ifnum 1/2
bind vlan 100 -ipaddress

add server pool1_srv1
add server pool1_srv2
add server pool1_srv3
add server pool1_srv4
add server pool2_srv1
add server pool2_srv2
add server pool2_srv3
add server pool2_srv4
add server pool1-2_default

add servicegroup SG_pool1 HTTP
add lb vserver VS_pool1 HTTP -lbmethod ROUNDROBIN
add lb monitor MON_pool1 HTTP
bind lb vserver VS_pool1 SG_pool1 
bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv1 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv2 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv3 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool1 pool1_srv4 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool1 -monitorName MON_pool1

add servicegroup SG_pool2 HTTP
add lb vserver VS_pool2 HTTP -lbmethod ROUNDROBIN
add lb monitor MON_pool2 HTTP
bind lb vserver VS_pool2 SG_pool2 
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv1 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv2 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv3 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 pool2_srv4 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool2 -monitorName MON_pool2

add cs vserver CS_web HTTP 80
add cs action CSACT1_pool1 -targetLBVserver VS_pool1
add cs action CSACT1_pool2 -targetLBVserver VS_pool2
add cs policy CSPOL_pool1 -rule CLIENT.IP.SRC.EQ( -action CSACT1_pool1   
add cs policy CSPOL_pool2 -rule CLIENT.IP.SRC.EQ( -action CSACT1_pool2
bind cs vserver CS_web -policyName CSPOL_pool1 -priority 10
bind cs vserver CS_web -policyName CSPOL_pool2 -priority 20
add server pool1-2_default
add servicegroup SG_pool1-2_default HTTP
add lb vserver VS_pool1-2_default HTTP
bind lb vserver  VS_pool1-2_default SG_pool1-2_default
bind servicegroup SG_pool1-2_default pool1-2_default 80
bind servicegroup SG_pool1-2_default -monitorName MON_pool2
bind cs vserver CS_web -lbvserver VS_pool1-2_default

> sh ver
        NetScaler NS12.1: Build, Date: Mar  8 2021, 09:45:59   (64-bit)